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Research Agenda

Dr. Torres’ areas of theoretical research focus on the relationship between culture and power, the interrelationships of economic, political, and cultural spheres, and the multiple and contradictory dynamics of power among and within social movements that make education a site of permanent conflict and struggle.

His empirical research focuses on the impact of globalisation in Latin America, especially on higher education in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.  Dr. Torres’ theoretical and empirical research has resulted in the development of a political sociology of education, highlighted in his much-heralded book with Raymond Morrow, Social Theory and Education. He is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Latin American Studies, and the principal biographer of Brazilian philosopher and critical social theorist, Paulo Freire.

Over the last thirty years, Dr. Torres has contributed to three fields: Latin American Studies, Sociology of Education and Comparative and International Education. In his theoretical work, Dr. Torres has accounted for the major shifts and transformations, national and global, that deeply impacted these fields. A book he wrote with Raymond Morrow, Social Theory and Education, is considered the standard text on theories and meta-theories in Sociology of Education. A book he edited with Robert Arnove, Comparative Education: The Dialectics of the Global and the Local, now in its fourth edition, is the textbook of choice for more than fifty Comparative Education programmes in the English-speaking world. Another of his books, Education, Democracy and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of Citizenship in a Global World, translated in several languages, suggested new agendas for these fields. All three books contain critical interpretations of cultural and social reproduction theory, theories of the state, analyses of multiculturalism, feminism and other approaches to social diversity, inequality, and the struggle for social justice education.

For the last decade, Dr. Torres has been working from a global perspective that encompasses human rights, pluralism and citizenship, wresting education away from state dominance, and the globalization of economies, communications and labour forces. The question of educating the global citizen is at the top of his research agenda. Understanding the educational policies of the new social democratic governments in Brazil and Argentina, and the impact of the new social movements constitutes the next empirical phase of his research.


Carlos Alberto Torres. Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Critical Global Citizenship Education. New York and London, Routledge, 2019.


Carlos Alberto Torres, Editor. Wiley Handbook of Freire, New York, Wiley and Blackwell, 2019.

Carlos Alberto Torres. Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Critical Global Citizenship Education. New York and London, Routledge/Taylor and Francis (Vol. 1), 2017.

Tarozzi, Massimiliano and Carlos Alberto Torres. Global Citizenship Education and the Crises of Multiculturalism. London, England, Bloomsbury Publishing Co, 2016. Translation in Chinese, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2018.

Torres, Carlos Alberto, First Freire: Early Writings in Social Justice Education. New York, N.Y.: Teachers College Press, 2014. This book received the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Literature in Adult Education in 2015. Translation to Chinese in progress by Pro-Ed Publishing Company, Taipei, Taiwan.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. Political Sociology of Adult Education. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2013. Translation into Turkish in progress.

Torres, C. A., and R. Arnove, eds. Comparative Education: The Dialectics of the Global and the Local. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999. Second edition, 2003. Third edition, 2007. Fourth edition (with Robert Arnove and Stephen Franz), 2013, Fifth editon in progress (with Robert Arnove and Lauren I Misisaszek) Translated into Chinese, Spanish, some parts into Turkish, and Portuguese.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. Globalizations and Education. Collected Essays on Class, Race, Gender, and the State. Introduction by Michael W. Apple, Afterword by Pedro Demo. New York, and London: Teachers College Press-Columbia University, 2009. Italian translation: Globalizzazione ed educazione. Classe, etnia, genere e Stato. Brescia, La Scuola, 2014

Torres, Carlos Alberto. Education and Neoliberal Globalization. Introduction by Pedro Noguera. New York, and London: Routledge, 2009.

Torres, Carlos Alberto and Pedro Noguera, eds. Social Justice Education for Teachers. Paulo Freire and Education as a Possible Dream. The Hague, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2009.

Carlos Mora Ninci and Guillermo Ruiz (compiladores), Carlos A. Torres et al. La sociología política de la educación en perspectiva internacional y comparada. Las contribuciones de Carlos Alberto Torres. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2008.

Herrera, Linda, and Carlos Alberto Torres, eds. Cultures of Arab Schooling. Critical Ethnographies from Egypt. New York: Suny Press, 2006.

Torres, Carlos Alberto and Antonio Teodoro, eds. Critique and Utopia. New Developments in the Sociology of Education. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007. In Portuguese, Editora Afrontamento, Porto, Portugal, 2005

Robert Rhoads and Carlos Alberto Torres, eds. The University, State and Markets. The Political Economy of Globalization in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006

Carlos Alberto Torres, La Praxis Educativa y la Educación Cultural Liberadora de Paulo Freire. Xátiva, Valencia: Institute Paulo Freie D’Espanya, 2005.

Torres, C. A. and Ari Antikainen, eds. The International Handbook on the Sociology of Education An International Assessment of New Research and Theory. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.

Torres, C. A., and R. Morrow. Reading Freire and Habermas. New York: Teachers College Press-Columbia University, 2002 (translations to Valencian, 2003 and Portuguese, 2004).

Torres, C. A. Democracy, Education, and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of Citizenship in a Global World. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998. Translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Valencian, Chinese, Armenian and Georgean; Korean and Italian translations in progress.

Torres, C. A. Education, Power and Personal Biography: Dialogues with Critical Educators. New York: Routledge, 1998. Portuguese translation, Editora Voces, 2000; Spanish translation, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2004.

Torres, C. A., P. O’ Cadiz, and P. Wong. Education and Democracy: Paulo Freire, Social Movements, and Educational Reform in São Paulo. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1998. Portuguese translation, 2002; Valencian translation, 2003.

Torres, C. A., and T. Mitchell, eds. Sociology of Education: Emerging Perspectives. Albany, New York: SUNY Press, 1998.

Torres, C. A., and A. Puiggros, eds. Education in Latin America: Comparative Perspectives. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1996.

Torres, C. A., and R. Morrow. Social Theory and Education: A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1995. Portuguese translation 1999; Spanish translation, 2003; Chinese translation, 2012.


Emiliano Bosio and Carlos Alberto Torres. “Global Citienship Education: An Educational Theory of the Common Good? A Conversation with Carlos Alberto Torres.” Policy Features in Education. 0(0) 1–16 DOI: 10.1177/1478210319825517
Torres, Carlos Alberto “The State of the Art in Comparative Education and WCCES at a crossroads in the 21st Century. Global Comparative Education. The Journal of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, September 2017, number 1, volume 1 (published in English, Chinese, Literary Arabic, Russian, Spanish, and French), pages 19-96.

Torres, Carlos Alberto “Ciudadanía global y el rol de las Universidades.”  RELEC, Año 7, Nº10. ISSN 1853-3744. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016)

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “Global Citizenship and Global Universities. The Age of Global Interdependency and Cosmopolitanism.” European Journal of Education, Volume 50 Nº 3, September 2015, pages 262-279

Torres, Carlos Alberto.  “Solidarity and competitiveness in a global context: Comparable concepts in global citizenship education?” The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives Vol 14, No 2, 2015, pp.22-29 Special Edition: ANZCIES Conference Proceedings 2014

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “From Hamburg to Belem: the limits of technocratic thinking in adult learning education.” International Journal of Lifelong Education. Volume 34, issue 1, 2015 pages 22-31.;jsessionid=2wglwsbq381bw.alice

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “Global Citizenship, Neoliberalism, Multiculturalism and the Crises of Education: Challenges to Comparative Education.” Article published in Comparative Education, Journal of the Japan Comparative Education Society Fifty Anniversary Issue (2015) pages 178-190

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “Fifty Years After Angicos. Paulo Freire, Popular Education and the Struggle for a Better World that is Possible.” Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2013, no.24, p.15-32. ISSN 1645-7250

Torres, Carlos Alberto and Gabriel Jones. “Neoliberal Common Sense in Education. Part I. Introduction”, in Torres, Carlos Alberto and Gabriel Jones (Editors) International Studies in Sociology of Education. Volume 23, Issue 2 2013, pages 77-79.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “Neoliberalism as a new historical bloc:  A Gramscian analysis of neoliberalism’s common sense in education.”  International Studies in Sociology of Education. Volume 23, Issue 2, 2013, pages 80-106. A modified Spanish version has been published as “El neoliberalismo como nuevo bloque histórico.” Perfiles educativos, 2014, vol.36, no.144, p.190-206. ISSN 0185-2698.

Torres, C.A et al. “Teachers’ Unions, the Capitalist State and the Contradictions of Educational Reform.” Special Issue on Education et Mondialisation, Coordination : Régis Malet et Eric Mangez, Spirale. Revuew de recherches en éducation. Nº 51, January 2013, pages 133-140.

Malsbary, Christine Brigid and Carlos Alberto Torres, “The Role of Social Justice Education in Transforming the Politics of Belonging for Global Immigrants: Editorial Introduction.” Encyclopaideia, Rivista di fenomenologia pedagogia formazione. Volume XVI, number 33, pages 9-20, 2012.

Torres, Carlos Alberto, Romão, José Eustáquio and Teodoro, António. “Redes institucionais na América Latina: construindo as Ciências Sociais Contemporâneas e a Educação.” Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2012, no.21, p.13-32. ISSN 1645-7250

Malsbary, Christine Brigid and Carlos Alberto Torres. “Introduction to Special Issue: International Migration and Social Justice Education.” Encyclopaideia, Rivista di fenomenologia pedagogia formazione. Volume XVI, number 34, pages 9-11, 2012.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “Critical Social Theory: a portrait.” Ethics and Education. Volume 7, Issue 2, 2012 Special Issue: Papers from the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) Conference in Bogota, 2010.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “The Secrets Adventures of Order: Globalization, Education and Transformative Social Justice Learning.” Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development 1:1 (June 2012): 17-24 (published by the National Academy for Educational Research).

Tannock, S., James, D., &  Torres, C.A. “Review Symposium. Radical Education and the common school: a democratic alternative.” British Journal of Sociology of Education, Volume 32, Issue 6, 2011, pages 939-952.

Rexhepi, J. & Torres, C.A. “Reimagining Critical Theory.” British Journal of Sociology of Education, Volume 32, Issue 5, 2011, pages 679-698.

Torres, C.A. “Public universities and the neoliberal common sense: seven iconoclastic theses.” International Studies in Sociology of Education Volume 21, Issue 3, 2011, pages 177-197.

Torres, C A. “Dancing on the deck of the Titanic? Adult education, the nation-state and new social movements.” International Review of Education, Volume 1 / 1955 - Volume 57 / 2011, pages 39-55.

Medel-Añonuevo, C, Torres, C.A., and Richard Desjardins, Editors Special Issue: CONFINTEA VI Follow-up: The Challenges of Moving from Rhetoric to Action, Guest Editors, International Review of Education  Volume 1 / 1955 - Volume 57 / 2011, pages 1-8.

Weldon, P., Rexhepi, J., Chang, C. W., Jones, L., Layton, L. A., Liu, A., McKibben, S., Misiaszek, G., Olmos, L., Quon, A., & Torres C.A. “Globalization and higher education in Southern California: views from the professoriate.” Compare, Volume 41, Number 1, Jan 2011, pp. 5-24.

Jones, Lauren I. and Carlos Alberto Torres. “Struggles for Memory and Social Justice Education in Latin America.” Development and Practice, Volume 20, Numbers 4-5, June 2010, pages 567-578.

Gadotti, Moacir and Carlos Alberto Torres “Paulo Freire: Education for Development.” Journal Development and Change, volume 40, issue 6, November 2009, pages 1255-1267. Journal published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “The ‘first’ Freire: on Education for Democracy and Social Change” Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE), Nº 1, 2010, pages 36-40.

Torres, C.A. “A universidade aberta de Brasília.” Buscalegis, 2009 (0).

Soudien, C. and C.A. Torres. “Southern theory: the global dynamics of knowledge in social science.” British Journal of Sociology of Education, 2008. 29 (6): pages 719-723.

Juma, A., Pescador, O., Torres, C.A. & Van Heertum, R. “The educational praxis of Paulo Freire: Translations & interventions.” In Shaughnessy, M, ed. Pioneers in education: Essays in honor of Paulo Freire. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers, 2007.

Torres, Carlos Alberto. “El lugar de las diversidades y de las ciudadanías en la Sociología de la Educación.” Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 2007, 20(1), 2007, CIEd - Universidade do Minho, Portugal, pages 7-45.

Torres, C. A. “Successes and Failures of Latin American Education in the Twentieth Century.” (Special Issue: Sociology of Education in Transition: Cases in various countries). The Journal of Educational Sociology, 2006. 78, pages 399-412.

Torres, C.A. “Schooling, Power, and the Exile of the Soul.” In Ideology, Curriculum, and the New Sociology of Education: Revisiting the Work of Michael Apple. L. Weis, C. McCarthy, & G. Dimitriades, eds. New York: Routledge, 2006, pages 47-68.

Torres, C. A. “Education and Transformative Social Justice Learning.” Lifelong Learning in Europe, No.4, 2005, pages 204-207.

Torres, C. A. “No Child Left Behind: A Brainchild of Neoliberalism and American Politics.” New Politics, Vol.: X-2, #38, Winter 2005.

Torres, C. A. “Oppressor and Oppressed: Logical dialectical categories? Tribute to Paulo Freire.”

Torres, C. A. “Educació, sindicats de mestres I estat: les tesis de Lisboa.” Quaderns d' Educació Contínua, nº 10, Spring 2004, pages 177-184.

Morrow, R.A. and C.A. Torres. “Gramsci e a educação popular na América Latina. Percepções do debate brasileiro.” Currículo Sem Fronteiras, 2004. 4(2): p. 33-50.

Torres, Carlos Alberto in conversation with Henry Levin. “Privatização da Educação Pública.” Revista Lusófona de Educação, 2003, Nº 1, pages 146-156.

Torres, C. A. “The State, Privatisation and Educational Policy: A Critique of Neoliberalism in Latin America and Some Ethical and Political Implications.” Comparative Education, edited by Robert Cowen (University of London) Volume 38,  nº4, November 2002,  pages 365-385.

Torres, Carlos A. “Globalization, Education, and Citizenship:  Solidarity Versus Markets?” American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), Vol. 39, No. 2 (Summer 2002), pages 363-378.

Torres, C. A and Daniel Schugurensky. “The Political Economy of Higher Education in the Era of Neoliberal Globalization: Latin America in comparative perspective.” Higher Education, volume 43, nº 4, June 2002, pages 429-455.

Torres, C.A. “Comparative education: Requiem for liberalism?” Comparative Education Review, 2002. 46(4): pages III-XI.

Torres, C. A. “Globalização, multiculturalism e cidadania.” Revista de Humanidades y Tecnologías. Lisbon, Lusófona, 2001-2002, Nº 6/7/8, pages 283-293.

Torres, C. A. “La educación del futuro y los dilemas de nuestro tiempo.” Revista de Educación, número extraordinario 2002, pages 249-255.

Torres, C. A. “Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Theoretical Discussion of Citizenship, Democracy and Multiculturalism.” HAGAR. International Social Sciences Review, Volume 2 (2), 2001, pages 219-240.

Schugurensky, Daniel and Carlos Alberto Torres, (2001). La economía política de la educación superior en la era de la globalización neoliberal: América Latina desde una perspectiva comparatista. Perfiles Educativos, Mexico Vol. 23, Nº 2, 6-31.

Torres, C. A., and R. Morrow. “Gramsci and Popular Education in Latin America: Insights from the Brazilian Debate.” International Journal of Educational Development 21, no. 4, 2001.

Torres, C. A. “La universidad latinoamericana: de la reforma de 1918 al cambio estructural de los noventa.” Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, vol. IV, nº 8, July-December, 1999.
Torres, C. A.and D. Schugurensky. “El rol de los sindicatos docentes, el estado y la sociedad en la reforma educativa en América Latina.” Propuesta Educativa, Vol. 10, n• 21, December 1999.

Torres, C. A. “Democracy, Education and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of Citizenship in a Global World.” Comparative Education Review 42, no. 4, 1998. Translated into Slovenian and published in Jernej Pikalo (UR.) Drzavljanstvo in globalizacija K drzavljanski vzgoji za sodobni svet.Ljubljana, Zalozba Sophia, 2010.

Torres, C.A. “Educación, clase social y doble ciudadanía: los dolores de parto del  multiculturalismo en América Latina.” Perfiles Educativos, UNAM, Mexico, XX, nº 81, 1998, 4-19.

Morrow, R., and C. A. Torres. “Paulo Freire, Jürgen Habermas, and Critical Pedagogy: Implications for Comparative Education.” Melbourne Studies in Education 39, no. 2, 1998. Also published as “Jürgen Habermas, Paulo Freire e a pedagogia crítica: Novas orientações para a educacão comparada.” Educação, Sociedade e Culturas 10, 1998.

Torres, C. A., and D. Schugurensky. “Globalización, neoliberalismo y educación superior.” [Globalization, neoliberalism and higher education]. Revista Chilena de Humanidades 17, 1996-1997.

Torres, C.A. “O homen que amava intensamente.” Pátio revista pedagógica 1, no. 2, 1997.

Arnove, R.F., C. A. Torres, S. Franz, and K. Morse. “A Political Sociology of Education and Development in Latin America: The Conditioned State, Neoliberalism, and Educational Policy.” International Journal of Sociology of Education 37, no. 1-2, 1996.

Arnove, R. F., and C. A. Torres. “Adult Education and State Policy in Latin America: The Contrasting Cases of Mexico and Nicaragua.” Comparative Education, 1996.

Torres, C. A., and A. A. Boron. “The Impact of Neoliberal Restructuring on Education and Poverty in Latin America.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research 42, no. 2, 1996.

Torres, C. A. “Adult Education and Instrumental Rationality: A Critique.”  International Journal of Educational Development 16, no. 2, 1996.

Torres, C. A. “The State and Education Revisited. Or Why Educational Researchers Should Think Politically About Education.” AERA, Review of Research in Education 21, 1995.

Torres, C. A., and D. Schugurensky. “Therapeutic Model of Adult Education in Canada: Skills and Academic Upgrading Programs in the Province of Alberta.” International Journal of Lifelong Education, 1995.

Torres, C. A., and A. Puiggrós. “The State and Public Education in Latin America.” Comparative Education Review 39, no. 1, 1995. An expanded and updated version published as “The State and Public Education in Latin America.” Introduction in Latin America Education: Comparative Perspectives, edited by C. A. Torres and A. Puiggrós. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1997.

Torres, C. A. “Contradiçãoes nas decisões de politica educativa: Experiencias Latino-americanas e Africanas.” [The contradictions of educational policy in Latin America and Africa]. Educação, Sociedade e Culturas 4, 1995.

Alcántara, A., and C. A. Torres. “Presentación. Los retos de la educación superior en América Latina frene al ajuste estructural: Por una universidad reflexiva.” [Presentation: The challenges of higher education in Latin America. For a self-reflexive university]. Perfiles Educativos 65, 1995, 2-5.

Torres, C. A. “Teorías de la expansión educativa y la masificación escolar: Para pensar la universidad pública en América Latina.” [Theories of educational expansion and school massification: Theoretical suggestions to rethink the public university in Latin America]. Perfiles Educativos, CISE-Universidad nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico 69, 1995, 7-20.

Torres, C. A., and D. Schugurensky. “Una economía política de la educación de adultos desde una perspectiva comparativa: Cánada, México y Tanzania.” [A political economy of adult education from a comparative perspective: Canada, Mexico and Tanzania]. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos 23, no. 4, 1993.

Torres, C. A. “Education and the Archeology of Consciousness: Hegel and Freire.” Educational Theory 44, no. 4, 1994.

O’Cadiz, M. P., and C. A. Torres. “Literacy, Social Movements, and Class Consciousness: Paths from Freire and the São Paulo Experience.” Anthropology and Education Quarterly 25, no. 3, 1994.

Morrow, R. A., and C. A. Torres. “Education and the Reproduction of Class, Gender and Race: Responding to the Postmodernist Challenge.” Educational Theory 44, no. 1, 1994. Included as a chapter in Sociology of Education: Emerging Perspectives, edited by C. A. Torres and T. Mitchell. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1998.

Torres, C. A., and D. Schugurensky. “The Politics of Adult Education in Comparative Perspective: Models, Rationalities, and Adult Education Policy Implementation in Canada, Mexico, and Tanzania.” Comparative Education 30, no. 2, 1994.

Torres, C. A. “Paulo Freire as Secretary of Education in the Municipality of São Paulo.” Comparative Education Review 38, no. 2, 1994.

Torres, C. A. “Cultura política de la alfabetización. Descripción y análisis de las relaciones entre educación de adultos y sectores populares urbanos en México.” [The political culture of literacy. Description and analysis of the relationship between adult education and the popular urban sectors in Mexico]. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos 3, 1993.

Torres, C. A., and D. Schugurensky. “A Comparison of the Political Economy of Adult Education in Canada, Mexico, and Tanzania.” The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education/la Revue canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes 7, no. 1, 1993.  

Torres, C. A. “Participatory Action Research and Popular Education in Latin America.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 5, no. 1, 1992.

Torres, C. A. “Estado, políticas públicas e educação de adultos: Entrevista.” [The state, public policy and adult education: An interview]. by Elie Ghanem, CEDI-Centro Ecuménico de Documentação e Informação. São Paulo, 1992.
Torres, C. A. “The State, Nonformal Education, and Socialism in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Grenada.” Comparative Education Review 35, no. 1, 1991. Translated and published in Spanish by Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 31, 31, no. 124, January-March, 1992.

Torres, C. A. “A Political Sociology of Adult Education: A Research Agenda.” Education, The University of Malta 4, no. 1, 1991.

Torres, C. A. “Education and Social Change in Latin America: Introduction.” New Education 12, no. 2, 1990.

Morales-Gómez, D., and C. A. Torres.  “Education for All: Prospects and Implications for Latin America in the 1990s.” New Education 12, no. 2, 1990.

Apple, M., R. Morrow, and C. A. Torres. “Education, Power and Personal Biography: An Interview with Michael Apple.” Phenomenology + Pedagogy 8, 1990.  Reprinted in Official Knowledge. Democratic Education in a Conservative Age, edited by M. Apple, New York: Routledge, 1993.

Morrow, R., and C. A. Torres. “Ivan Illich and the De-Schooling Thesis Twenty Years After.” New Education 12, no. 1, 1990.

Torres, C. A. “Adult Education, Popular Education:  Implications for a Radical Approach to Comparative Education.” International Journal of Lifelong Education 9, no. 4, 1990.

Torres, C. A. “El mundo de Talcott Parsons y la educación (II):  El pensamiento sociológico funcionalista y la educación superior.” [The world of Talcott Parsons and education (II). Functionalist sociological thought and higher education]. Revista Brasileira de Estudos  Pedagógicos 70, no. 166, 1990.

Torres, C. A. “El Mundo de Talcott Parsons y la Educación  (I): El pensamiento sociológico funcionalista y la educación primaria.” [The world of Talcott Parsons and education (I). Functionalist sociological thought and elementary education]. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos 70, no. 164, 1989.

Torres, C. A. “The Mexican State and Democracy: The Ambiguities of Corporatism.” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 2, no. 4, 1989.

Torres, C. A. “Political Culture and State Bureaucracy in Mexico: The Case of Adult Education.” International Journal of Educational Development  9, no. 1, 1989.

Torres, C. A. “The Capitalist State and Public Policy Formation: A Framework for a Political Sociology of Educational Policy-Making.” The British Journal of Sociology of Education 10, no. 1, 1989.

Torres, C. A. “International Perspectives on Adult Education.” In C. A. Torres, guest editor, The Alberta Journal of Educational Research 34, no. 3, 1988.

Bacchus, M. K., and C. A. Torres. “Framework for a Comparative Study of Adult Education Policy Implementation in Mexico, Tanzania and Alberta.” In C. A. Torres, guest editor, The Alberta Journal of Educational Research 34, no. 3, 1988.

Torres, C. A. “An Analytical Framework for Adult Education in Alberta.” In C. A. Torres, guest editor, The Alberta Journal of Educational Research 34, no. 3, 1988.

Torres, C. A. “Adult Education as Public Policy: A Perspective from Latin America.” Prospects 67, 18, no. 3, 1988. Published in English, French, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese.

Torres, C. A., G. Valenti, and M. C. Moreno. “Measuring Social Science Productivity:  A Case Study in Mexico.” Higher Education Policy, International Association of Universities, Paris 1, no. 4, 1988.  

Torres, C. A. “A Nation at Risk: La Educación Neoconservadora.” [A Nation at Risk: Neo-conservative Education]. Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, Venezuela  84, July-August, 1986.

Torres, C. A. “Hacia una sociología política de la educación de adultos.  Una agenda para la investigación sobre la formación de políticas educativas de adultos.” [Towards a political sociology of adult education. A research agenda on adult education policy formation]. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, Mexico 15, no. 3, 1985.

Torres, C. A. “Educación para adultos y prácticas nacionales. Algunas reflexiones sobre el Sistema Nacional de  Educación de Adultos (SNEA) en México, 1976-1981.” [Adult education and national practices. The National System of Adult Education in Mexico, 1976-1981].  Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativo,  Mexico 15, no. 1, 1985.

Torres, C. A. “The Political Economy of Adult Education in Latin America.” Canadian and International Education 13, no. 2, 1984.
Spanish Translation: Revista Educación de Adultos, Instituto Nacional de Educación de Adultos-Secretaria de Educación Pública, Mexico 3, 1984.

Torres, C. A. “Estado, política educativa y sectores populares en América Latina: Reflexiones teóricas.” [The state, educational policy and popular sectors in Latin America. Theoretical reflections].  Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid, Spain 30, no. 120, 1984.

Torres, C. A. “Adult Education Policy, Capitalist Development and Class Alliance: Latin America and Mexico.” International Journal of Political Education  6, 1983.

Torres, C. A. “La  educación y las teorías del estado: Implicaciones en la investigación educativa.” [Education and theories of the state: Implications for educational research]. Perfiles Educativos, CISE-Universidad nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico 1, April-June, 1983, 22-28.

Torres, C. A. "Enfoques en educación de adultos." [Approaches in adult education].  Lectura y Vida 3, no. 2, 1982. Reproduced in Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid, Spain 29, no. 115, 1983.

Torres, C. A. "Las corrientes filosóficas que fecundan la filosofía de Paulo Freire." [The philosophical foundations of Paulo Freire]. Colección Pedagógica Universitaria, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico 9, January-June, 1980.

Torres, C. A. "Ideología, educación y reproducción social." [Ideology, education and social reproduction]. Revista de la Educación Superior, Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, Mexico 32, December, 1979. Reproduced in Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid, Spain 27, no. 105, 1981.

Torres, C. A. "El conflicto de paradigmas en la educación contemporánea." [The conflicts of paradigms in contemporary education]. Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid, Spain 25, no. 97, 1979.

Torres, C. A. "Teoría de la dependencia: Nota crítica sobre su metodología histórica-estructural." [Theory of dependency: Critical notes on historical-structural methodology]. Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, Venezuela 42, May-June, 1979.    

Torres, C. A. "Antropología cultural latinoamericana. Aspectos fundamentales." [Latin American cultural anthropology: Fundamental aspects]. Pensamiento, Madrid, Spain 34, no. 135, 1978.

Torres, C. A. "Estado y clases sociales." [The state and social classes]. Franciscanum. Revista de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogota, Colombia 20, no. 59, 1978.

Torres, C. A. "Filosofía política y sujeto histórico del cambio social." [Political philosophy and historical subjects of social change].  Estudios Filosóficos, Madrid, Spain 27, no. 75, 1978.    

Torres, C. A. (1978) Investigación sobre el desarrollo de estructuras cognoscitivas en niños de diferentes clases sociales según técnicas elaboradas por Jean Piaget. [Research on the development of cognitive structures in children of different social classes according to the techniques developed by Jean Piaget]. Docencia. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. VI, February, (1), February, p. 32-58.

Torres, C. A. "Metodología de la investigación temática." [Methodology of thematic research]. Revista de Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid, Spain 24, no. 95, 1978.    

Torres, C. A. "Metodología de la alfabetización problematizadora de Paulo Freire." [Paulo Freire's problem-posing methodology for literacy training]. Revista Logos, Mexico 15, 1977.
Torres, C. A. Las Migraciones rurales, el proceso de urbanización y la marginalidad social en América Latina. [Rural migration, the process of urbanization, and social marginality in Latin America]. Franciscanum. Revista de la Universidad de San Buenaventura. Bogota. XIX, (56), May-August, 1977 p.185-230.
Torres, C.A. La Teoría de la Marginalidad Social. [The theory of social marginality]. Contacto. Mexico, 14, (2/3), June 1977, p. 10-35.

Torres, C. A. "Servidumbre, autoconciencia y liberación." [Slavery, self-consciousness, and liberation].  Franciscanum. Revista de la Universidad de Buenaventura, Bogota, Colombia 54, September-December, 1976.

Torres, C. A. "A dialéctica Hegeliana e o pensamiento lógico-estructural do Paulo Freire. Notas para uma analise e confrontação dos pressupostos filosóficos vigente na dialética da pedagogía dos oprimidos e do pensamento freireano em geral." [Hegelian dialectics and Freire's logical-structural thought. Notes for an analysis of philosophical underpinnings of pedagogy of the oppressed].  Revista Sintese, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 7, 1976.

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