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Carlos Alberto Torres interviewed by Emiliano Bossio on Global Citizenship Education. 2018.
Carlos Alberto Torres, audiovisual to promote the UNESCO UCLA Chair. 2016
6 Mar 2015 – Ms. Jamira Burley, GEFI Youth Advocate, UNESCO Chairholder Prof. Carlos Torres of UCLA, Mr. Chris Castle of UNESCO and Mr. Utak Chung of the Asia Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding are discussing why Global Citizenship Education matters for tackling 21st century challenges and how it contributes to the entire post-2015 development agenda by equipping learners with the skills and values to live together. UN Web TV.
Carlos Alberto Torres, Education 2030 and Fostering Global Citizenship Education. Two videos filmed in Seoul, Korea under he auspices of APCEOU, 23 of June, 2016.
Carlos Alberto Torres, Neoliberalism and Globalization. Published June 11, 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
Carlos Alberto Torres. Intervista a Carlos Torres, Editrice La Scola. Italian 1:04 minutes.
Carlos Alberto Torres, Mira Doc. Paulo Freire 2014. In Spanish and Italian
Kimberley Rosenfeld and Jaana Fernandez Nogueira. Carlos Alberto Torres: Politics and Education. A Biographical Approach. UCLA, video, 2013.
Carlos Alberto Torres, Douglas Kellner and Peter McLaren in Dialogue about Ivan Illich, UCLA, 2003. Uploaded December 6, 2013.
Entrevista com o Prof Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres (parte 1) Portuguese, 2009, João Pessoa, Brazil.
Carlos Alberto Torres, Conversascon: Carlos A. Torres, Educación, Globalización e Xustiza. Video in DVD produced by the Xunta de Galicia, Vicepresidencia da Igualdade e do Benestar. Secretaria Xeral de Benestar, Dirección Xeral de Xuventudes e Solicaridade. Spain, 10 Maio 2007.
K. A. McClafferty, C. A. Torres, T. R. Mitchell and M. W. Apple. Challenges of urban education sociological perspectives for the next century. Sound recording. 3 sound cassettes: analog, 15/16 ips, 4 track. 2000.
C. A. Torres and Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Visiting minority scholar lecture series: Education, democracy, and multiculturalism [Lecture]. Sponsored by the School of Education and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Video recording: 1 videocassette (73 min.): sd., col.; 1/2 in. VHS. Lecture recorded March 18, 1999.
Educação de adultos na America Latina. Conversação com Carlos A. Torres: [Adult Education in Latin America. Interview with Carlos A. Torres]. CEDI-Centro Ecuménico de Documentação e Informação. São Paulo, Brazil, July 7, 1991, videotape (45 minutes).
Learning the World. Paulo Freire in Conversation with Dr. Carlos A. Torres. Access Network (Canadian Public Television). Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 1990, videotape (28 minutes). Published as Paulo Freire on Adult Education: An Interview and Panel Discussion. In A. Konrad, ed., Everyone's Challenge. Proceedings of The Literacy Conference. Edmonton, University of Alberta, 1990.
Paulo Freire: Past, Present and Future. Paulo Freire in Conversation with Dr. Carlos A. Torres. TVT-Television dos Trabalhadores. São Paulo, Brazil, May 1990, videotape (six hours).
Human Rights and Political Education in Argentina. Dr. Carlos A. Torres in conversation with Dr. Emilio Mignone. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, March 1990, videotape, (one hour).
Latin American Education. Dr. Carlos A. Torres in conversation with Dr. Pablo Latapí. Department of Educational Foundations. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. May 1989, videotape (30 minutes).
Dr. Pablo Latapí in Conversation with Dr. Torres, Dr. Bacchus, and Dr. Konrad. Department of Educational Foundations, and Department of Adult and Career Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. April 1989, videotape, (one hour).